“指纹登录”用英语怎么说?用Yahoo解决 “指纹登录”的英语表达问题在“互联网+”时代学英语,有人依然把 “指纹登录”这样的英语表达作为“老师你告诉我答案是什么”的“吃现成”,然后回头自己再把这句英语死记硬背的传统方式来“学”,你现在见到我问你“ '指纹登录'用英语怎么说?”时,你是不是就是在“等我的答案”?觉得这样学最“直截了当”,又节省你的时间?但是,和这种“吃现成”的学法不同,我是把 “指纹登录”用英语怎么说作为一种“能力”来训练,一种学会利用Yahoo工具解决问题的能力训练我就是要你把学过的英语用起来,自己到Yahoo上去找这也正是我的英语训练与他人的“英语教学”最大的不同之处:你不是获得一个“答案”了事,你是获得怎样找到同样“答案”的方法和能力1) 我会说log in by fingerprint app,但是不知道对不对但至少我是在“用”和“说”英语了那就到Yahoo上“求证”一下吧2) Yahoo log in by fingerprint app我会在Yahoo上看到怎样的“原版英语”?3) 原版英语:原版英语:由于很多人虽然“学”了多年英语,但是一但面对字数较多较长的英语读物还是头痛不已,这里就尽量压缩“原版英语”这是一家美国银行官网上的“原版英语”Fingerprint LoginAccess your accounts with one touch.Fingerprint Login is a faster, more convenient way to log into the PeoplesBank Mobile App. And because no two fingerprints are alike, it's one of the more secure ways to access your app.从这段话的Fingerprint Login,Access your accounts with one touch中我就已经解决了如题的“问题”,但是,我是用英语去学会这个表达,不是翻译成中文来学:1.Okay.I got you. We can say:You can fingerprint log in,or log in with your fingerprint2. You can fingerprint log in,or log in with your fingerprint means:You can access=enter your accounts with (one touch of) your fingerprint.但是,很遗憾我相信很多人连流利读出读好这句英语都勉为其难原版英语(Bank of America官网):Sign In to the Mobile App with a Simple Touch of Your ...Enjoy the quickest, simplest way to sign in to the Bank of America Mobile Banking app with fingerprint sign-in on either your Apple or Android device. All you need is your Online ID and the fingerprint stored on your device to begin enrollment.看到没有?人家的用词不是log in,而是sign in了Okay.Got you.To log in means To sign in with your fingerprint.原版英语(Apple官网):Use Touch ID on iPhone and iPad - Apple SupportOkay.I got it.人家又用Use you touch ID=Fingerprint了小结:指纹登录?1. Okay.Got it.We have many ways to say it2. Log in with your fingerprint,meaning Sign in with your fingerprint,meaning access your account with your fingerprint,meaning Sign in/log in with your touch ID.相信很多就算学了英语“指纹登录(解锁,支付)”的人基本不可能有机会真正用上log in with your fingerprint这句英语,但是,任何英语学习者都可以利用这句话来做在Yahoo上训练把这句英语Yahoo出来的能力训练这才是我们学这句英语的真正目的
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