
“LuLu 是一款macOS平台的好用免费的防火墙软件 ,让我们在Mac电脑上非常方便地控制传入和传出连接,能够帮助我们阻止任何未知的有风险的传出连接,除非用户批准
”安装brew cask install LuLu安装失败:上面有相应的下载地址(其实已经下载下来了),将下载到的文件解压,再安装:似乎可以了:一步步操作下去,后面需要重启,重启后:默认有一些选项,可以去除:后面会要求:配置我之前选了禁止,马上弹出好些软件对网络的请求:自己也能禁止,咿呀哈哈效果:禁用它自己的更新检查:下面的可以不用看,只是将当前发现的一些截图保存
连网收集AddressBookSourceSync/System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/AddressBookSourceSync.app/ContentI know it is controlled by a LaunchAgent, and I’m told its plist shows that it supports push, which must be why its running, and syncs with MobileMe (or something called ‘dot-mac’), Exchange, and some other things.My worry is I don’t have a MobileMe account, nor a dot-mac whatever. I have not yet logged into Mail, so it should not be looking for Exchange.And now my question is, why does it pop up, asking for permission to access my Keychain every so often and disrupt my work? It refuses to go away when I press ‘cancel’ the first time but takes 3 or 4 ‘cancels’. And then, after a little break, it comes back until I key in my password. Then it appears satisfied. Until the next time!What is it trying to access from my Keychain? And why has it started happening only within the last few weeks? It never used to happen when I first installed Lion. Nor even the update to OS X 10.7.1.Thanks for any illuminating replies.https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3355782timed时钟同步touristd/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Tourist.framework/Versions/A/Resources/touristdtouristd is responsible for displaying a New to Mac? notification roughly after 5-10 minutes using macOS Sierra for the first time.Google Chrome允许的:/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chromensurlsessiondnsurlsessiond 是MAC系统后台自动更新线程.关掉即可racoon vpn:/usr/sbin/racoonakdakd是AuthKit(身份验证/授权)框架的一部分
也用于使用Apple ID对iCloud和其他帐户进行身份验证的过程中
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