Work, work, my boy, be not afraid;Look labor boldly in the face;Take up the hammer or the spade,And blush not for your humble place.There's glory in the shuttle's song;There's triumph in the anvil's stroke;There's merit in the brave and strongWho dig the mine or fell the oakThe wind disturbs the sleeping lake,And bids it ripple pure and fresh;It moves the green boughs till they makeGrand music in their leafy mesh.And so the active breath of lifeShould stir our dull and sluggard wills;For are we not created rifeWith health, that stagnant torpor kills?I doubt if he who lolls his headWhere idleness and plenty meet,Enjoys his pillow or his breadAs those who earn the meals they eat.And man is never half so blestAs when the busy day is spentSo as to make his evening restA holiday of glad content.单词学习:Shuttle[ ˈʃʌt(ə)l]:往返于两地的交通工具,摆渡车Anvil[ ˈænvɪl ]:铁砧;[解剖] 砧骨Rife[ raɪf ]:普遍的;流行的;盛传的Torpor[ ˈtɔːrpər ]:不活泼;麻木;懒散,迟缓英语文化知识:这首诗歌颂了劳动的尊严和价值,强调了从体力劳动到更具创造性的努力各种形式的工作中的高尚品质它还突出了辛勤工作一天后所获得的满足感和愉悦这首诗反映了一种重视劳动和与之相关的道德伦理尊严的文化精神这种观点在19世纪和20世纪初的工业革命及其后期特别突出,当时体力劳动和工业被高度评价为进步和个人发展的手段这首诗与新教工作伦理的美德相呼应,该伦理强调勤奋、纪律和努力工作的道德义务译文:伊利莎 •库克(1817-1889),生于伦敦1837 年,开始从事杂志出版事务1840年,她的第一部诗集面世1849年,她开始编辑并出版《伊利莎 •库克〉杂志工作,工作,我的孩子,不要惧怕,勇敢地直面工作拿起你的锤头或者铁铲,无须因为卑微的身份而羞惭织机梭子织出辉煌,铁砧捶打打出胜利,勇敢和硕壮的挖煤伐木工人:光荣与他们同在春风拂过沉睡的湖面,撩动一波洁白和清新的涟漪,吹拂娇嫩的枝丫直至满树披绿、音乐声起积极地生活搅翻我们迟钝懒散的意志健康难道不是我们的依靠?呆滞和懒散难道不是它的天敌?我不相信脑袋耷拉的,懒惰的富家子弟,可以像自食其力的人那样,安享枕头和面包的乐趣闲人的幸福连一半都不及,忙碌了一天的人的幸福,后者的夜晚歇息,犹如节假日令人心满意足
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