
2019.12.13周五 Fridayubiquitous [juː'bɪkwɪtəs] adj. 到处存在的2015年两名纽约设计师设想了一种可以替代城市中无处不在的咖啡杯,且兼具可持续性的产品
In 2015, two New York-based designers conceived of a sustainable alternative to the ubiquitous city coffee cup.当时还是库珀联合大学二年级学生的汤姆·陈在学校的发明工厂暑期项目中,开发了一种用纸制成的防溢出、可折叠的杯子Unocup
Tom Chan, then a sophomore at Cooper Union, developed Unocup—a spill-resistant, foldable cup made of paper—at his school’s Invention Factory summer program. 在为期六周的项目中,学生们被要求设计符合常见需求的产品,陈与他的合作伙伴、Unocup公司联合创始人、建筑师卡那尔·帕珀一起为Unocup设计了约800个样板
During the six-week program, where students are challenged to design products that address a common need, Chan created some 800 prototypes for Unocup alongside his collaborator and cofounder, architect Kaanur Papo.这些专用样板使他们获得了10万美元的国际可持续发展奖——新塑料经济创新奖,以用于进一步开发这项新设计
The result of all this dedicated prototyping? $100,000 from an international sustainability award, the New Plastics Economy Innovation Prize, to further develop the fledgling design.Unocup如今已是一家成熟的公司,它的目标是减少流入海洋的塑料垃圾(每年800万吨),把传统的杯子和盖子替换为一个可以折成盖子的折纸艺术杯子
Now a full-fledged company, Unocup aims to cut down the amount of plastic waste that enters the ocean (8 million tons annually) by replacing conventional cup and lid designs with a single, origami-like cup that folds to create a lid. 仅纽约市有咖啡店的社区每年就能使用大约110万磅的一次性塑料食品包装(包括热饮的盖子),而全世界每年能产生3亿吨一次性塑料垃圾
New York City’s caffeinated community alone uses roughly 1.1 million pounds of single-use plastic food ware (which includes hot drink lids) every year, whereas the entire world creates 300 million tons of single-use plastic waste annually. 陈和帕珀表示,在流入海洋的825万吨塑料垃圾中,有5%是随处可见的塑料盖子,因此他们的解决方案早该出现了
Since these omnipresent lids are responsible for 5% of those 8.25 million tons entering the ocean, according to Chan and Papo, their solution is long overdue.这款便携式咖啡杯的设计初衷是为了减少浪费,但它也是符合人类工程学的
This on-the-go coffee cup is primarily designed to reduce waste—but it’s also ergonomic. The entire cup folds into a peak, which becomes an integrated lid. 精确测量过的尖端和凹槽使折好的盖子不可能自己展开或弹开,从工艺上讲,这也是无盖纸杯的一部分
The measured peaks and valleys of the folds make it impossible for the lid–which is part of the technically lid-free paper cup base–to unfold and pop off on its own. 杯子的三面都可以向内或向外折叠(这取决于你的啜饮偏好),而且杯子上有一个突出的部分可以塞进一个狭槽中,这样就形成了一个缺口使咖啡可以流出
Each of the cup’s three sides can be folded over, either inward or outward (depending on your sipping preferences), and there’s a tab that tucks into a slot that creates the sliver of an opening for coffee to pass through. Think McDonalds french fry container, but covered.完参考资料:https://www.fastcompany.com/90433732/the-coffee-cup-gets-a-radical-desperately-needed-redesign编辑:梅园西墙的王半仙翻译:李然

