ah jump jump jump jump,oh Nan Disco Sakura如樱花盛开到落下,像尾音短促你有感觉吗?嘴巴外观吻合吧,合上它合作吗二进一愿意吗?如卡通的主角摆动吧,若我俩有了爱关节都软化,指针般手舞足动吧,旋转高中低左右变出交叉01颗伊莎咕啦哎哟come and dance with me,gregralomidogragralomidogragralomido,come and dance with me樱花不过仲夏,热爱捉不紧快要起变化,如身体像冰冷大厦,没抱拥便暖吗没有声愉快吗?如卡通的主角摆动吧,若我俩有了爱关节都软化,如指针般手舞足动吧,旋转高中低最后变出烟花miniko isa Cola ayo come and dance with me,here where don't we go come and hold me tight nigtime,where where lonely goes move your body right righ,where where lonely goes,me and dance tonight night come and dance with r,miniko isa Cola a o,come and dance with me,great belong we know,hold me tight tight red Velo Mido,hold your body right right red Velo Redo,come and dance with me,Mile Coinsa Cola a o,miniko isa Cola a o
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