have a good command of sth.对……能自由运用,对……精通(熟练使用、通晓);对……掌握的好;对……轻松驾驭;对……得心应手It ‘s important for us to have a good command of English.掌握好英语对我们来说是重要的。Applicants will be expected to have good command of English.申请人必须精通英语。She has a good command of the Spanish language. 她精通西班牙语。He has a good command of English, German, French, Russian, Arabic and even Esperanto.他精通英语、德语、法语、俄语、阿拉伯语乃至世界语。We work hard at English so as to have a good command of it.为了掌握英语,我们在学习英语上下苦功夫。She has a good command of dance.她舞艺精湛。She has a good command of piano.她的钢琴演技高超。You do have a good command of English.你的英语真的掌握地很好。What sort of software do you have a good command of?你熟练使用哪些软件?One cannot master a language if he does not have a good command of its vocabulary.不熟练掌握词汇,就不可能掌握一种语言。I have a good command of secretarial skills.我通晓秘书工作的各种技能。In China, if you're engaged in IT industry and expect a superb prospect, you must have a good command of English.在中国,如果你的职业是属于IT行业,而且希望你的未来非常出色,那么你必须要有非常好的英语。She has a good command of programming languages.她精通多种编程语言。We should have a good command of large vocabulary.我们应该掌握大量词汇。试比较:她在外语学习上得心应手。She has a good command of foreign language learning.She is in her element when learning a foreign language. She is good at foreign language learning.She learns a foreign language effortlessly.She learns a foreign language with great facility.She learns a foreign language with ease.She learns a foreign language from A to Z.
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