for (int i=0; i<6316142; i++) fwrite(img,512,1,fp);
The biggest addressing hard disk capacity is affected by three parameters: head number that is not more than 255, cylinder number that is not more than 1023, sector number that is not more than 63. 最大寻址硬盘容量受三个参数的影响:磁头数量不超过255,柱面数量不超过1023,扇区数量不超过63上面的代码造出个70MB大的"硬盘"② 在DOSBox里挂载未初始化的硬盘:imgmount 2 c.img -t hdd -size 512,8,128,16 -fs none第一块硬盘用2,第二块硬盘用3③ 从DOS的软盘映像文件启动:boot 1.img 2.img 3.img把要用到的软盘都列上,提示换盘时按Ctrl-F4键④ DOS启动后运行setup.exe,按ALT-F12开启全速模式,不然装DOS都不很快At present, DOSBox running on a high-end machine will roughly be the equivalent of a Pentium I PC.⑤ DOS重启后回到DOSBox,这次imgmount c c.img -size 512,8,128,16硬盘初始化过了,所以把2换成c此时在DOSBox下就可访问C:⑥ boot -l c从C盘启动DOS,文件可以和DOSBox共享当然是退出DOS后(图片来源网络,侵删)
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