
A. 我的微信运动健走步数记录(自2017. 6. 11.起):两点感悟:1.It is saild that the beggars walking on the way is much happier than the emperors staying in beds.(据说行走中的乞丐比病榻上的皇帝幸福得多
) 2.日常定量的步数是充沛精力的保障
至今日(2024.2.11. 23:28), 今日健走步数:28005步(18.82公里,相当于走了47.05圈标准操场),消耗了886卡热量,相当于消耗了3个炸鸡腿;相互点赞:19(点赞我的人数
)/465(我点赞的人数);为我点赞的人数累计:143人;累计与日均健走步(公里)数:59098302/2437天=24261步或40349公里/2437天=17公里;战胜99.99%的人,万里长城的1.90倍,累计消耗1367047卡热量(相当于4557个鸡腿);至今日获得华为运动勋章109枚;实时万步达成率:98(人)/465(人)=22%;微信朋友圈全员参加健走百分比:465(人)/1831(人)=26%;微信朋友圈全员万步达成率:98(人)/1831(人)=6%;占领222位微友的微信运动封面;在465位有微信运动健走步数记录者中排第三位;日行超两万步者:10人/1831人=6‰,日行两万步者累计人数204人/1831人=12%;2018.6.21.单日步行步数:73137(以上数据华为运动健康和微信运动系统提供)B. 经典段落分享(自2023.3.12.起)We put the people first, worked hard to ensure and improve their well-being, continued to consolidate and expand the achievements made in poverty alleviation, worked hard to address the difficulties and problems that concerned people the most, made all-out efforts to respond to natural disasters and promote post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, and maintained overall social stability. We actively supported Hong Kong and Macao in better integrating into China's overall development, firmly opposed separatist moves for "Taiwan independence" and interference by external forces, and vigorously safeguarded China's sovereignty, security, and development interests. We made solid progress in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, adding certainty and positive energy to a world of change and disorder, and demonstrating our sense of responsibility for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

