杭州样板间建发云熙SQUARED(杭州样板间空间项目华润)「建发 云著」

π SQUARED²被建发云熙期待打造的生活品质和映射的现代东方生活核心所吸引
Shilian Brown, Dilai, Cangqing, Jingyuan... spatial color combinations extracted from traditional Chinese colors, together weave a unique Eastern romance.浅米咖色的基调形成温和谦逊、留有余地的空间留白,让各色各物拥有展示的视角
The tone of light rice coffee creates a gentle and humble space with room for white space, allowing various colors and objects to have a display perspective.伴随日光的行动,色彩变换柔和地丰富着空间层次,木色、玉石、铜制金属、丝质与缎面不同的光泽肌理,温润地描绘着向心之地的朦胧意境
the spatial hierarchy and the different glossy textures of wood, jade, copper metal, silk, and satin gently depict the hazy atmosphere of the centripetal land.颇具流动感的洄游式动线彰显客餐厅一体化布局的智慧
The flowing and migratory movement line showcases the wisdom of integrated layout of guest restaurants.合理分区让通透的阳光阔撒室内,忠于长期主义的空间营造
Reasonable zoning allows transparent sunlight to spread widely indoors, loyal to the creation of long-term space.映衬空间色调的绿枫与旁逸斜出的花枝点染绿意
The green maple that sets off the color tone of the space and the slanting branches of flowers beside it add a touch of greenery.生活的仪式感以热闹但并不嘈杂的烟火气,于细枝末节展现,于大处落墨渲染
The ritual of life is showcased in small details with lively but not noisy fireworks, and rendered in ink everywhere.书房中陈设的一切,隐秀并蓄展居者的东方品味:阵列式书柜以开放之姿凝固空间张力,做旧的木墩矮几之上,摆放着韵竹
The array style bookshelf solidifies the spatial tension with an open posture, and on top of the old wooden pier, there are placed rhymed bamboo.“君子不可居无竹”A gentleman cannot live without bamboo.竹竿状的花器用以安置文竹,墙面挂画以“水”对旧时人文画卷进行再读与重构,窗边单椅将生活的恬淡与隽永进行直击人心的表达
Bamboo shaped flower vessels are used to place asparagus, wall paintings are hung with "water" to re read and reconstruct the ancient humanistic paintings现代东方的生活方式不作醉人的进攻,转而渐渐渗透于日常之中
The modern Eastern way of life is not an intoxicating attack, but gradually permeates into daily life.探讨当代都市人居美学焕新,苍青色的休憩空间里,用文人温度衡量空间尺度
“ 已过万重山 ”的大自在赋予居者可游、可居、可用、可享、可观的不同生活状态
Exploring the rejuvenation of contemporary urban residential aesthetics, in the pale blue resting space, measuring the spatial scale with literati's temperature.云石台灯氤氲柔和灯光,步入式衣帽间、结合飘窗台打造的L型梳妆台与mini吧的功能置入,让多场景的仪式感营造出生活层次,在偏安一隅的角落里,斜倚静享熏风日和,盎然与共
In a corner of a secluded corner, you can recline and enjoy the gentle breeze and sunshine, full of harmony and harmony.以荷塘月色为主题的生活趣境,藕粉成为空间主色调
The living atmosphere with the theme of lotus pond moonlight, lotus root powder becomes the main color tone of the space.澄澈干净的空间氛围得以让重心聚焦在造型生动、色彩活泼的潮玩摆件中,投影出女孩的自由与天真,轻盈柔美的生活体验伴随童梦成长,自在安然
The light and soft life experience accompanies the growth of children's dreams, making them feel at ease and at ease.小小植物收藏家的私享秘境里,与自然的亲密接触成为空间生命力的再现
In the private realm of small plant collectors, intimate contact with nature becomes a reproduction of spatial vitality.整面收纳衣柜赋予空间更多可能性
The full storage wardrobe provides more possibilities for space.生机盎然的绿色色调下,皮革、金属、大理石与棉麻的咏叹调,在充满变化与探索的世界里,交响成长的本色
Under the vibrant green tones, the aria of leather, metal, marble, and cotton and linen resonates with the true colors of growth in a world full of change and exploration.项目信息ABOUT THE PROJECT项目名称 | 建发云熙133样板间开发企业 | 建发地产杭州公司特别鸣谢 | 东南集群杭州事业部项目地址 | 杭州硬装设计 | π SQUARED派平方设计软装设计 | π SQUARED派平方设计传媒策划 | π Brand Studio设计面积 | 133㎡项目摄影 | 鲁哈哈主要材料 | 古堡灰石材、黄金沙岩板、金属、灰茶玻、木饰面、墙布、编制皮革、实木复合地板 、瓦楞木塑板完工时间 | 2023.7About company关于设计公司谢新平James Tse创始人&设计总监| π Squared ² 派平方设计 |π,象征无限与变化,代表着无穷的设计灵感和没有边界的空间领域
π Squared²设计以空间为圆心,设计为半径,强调建筑的空间维度,扩展有形空间的无形内涵
Previous projects往期项目△厦门 |华润筼筜悦府售楼处△海口 |中海明德中心展示区△汕头 |棉城世纪豪庭售楼处△深圳 |华侨城海府一号会所△佛山 |中海山语湖样板间△海口 |华润时光里样板间△珠海 |中海南航湾区国际会所△义乌 |建发江映月300户型上叠样板房△宁波 | 建发缦云220户型样板房△宁波 |建发养云260户型样板房©文字/图片:π SQUARED²派平方设计

